Contact us

Your feedback is very important to us. It helps us to improve our services.

Sharing feedback on this website

If you have any feedback on this website, we would ask you to contact the Children's Disability Network Team (CDNT) providing services to your family. You can find the contact details for the Dublin South, Kildare and West Wicklow CDNTs on our Team pages. You will see on the Team pages what areas are covered by each CDNT. 

Sharing feedback or making a complaint about services received

In the first instance, we would ask you to share your feedback or make your complaint to the Children’s Disability Network Manager (CDNM) of the Children's Disability Network Team (CDNT) providing services to your family. You can find the contact details for the Dublin South, Kildare and West Wicklow CDNTs on our Team pages. You will see on the Team pages what areas are covered by each CDNT. 

If you decide you want to take a complaint further

If you decide you want to take your complaint further, please contact the lead agency managing that CDNT. The lead agency for each team is listed below, as well as on our CDNT Team pages

Please note that complaints sent to that relate to CDNTs managed by the other four agencies will be directed to those lead agencies for a response.