Relevant documents

On this page you’ll find documents (policies, plans, or laws) which have been referred to on this website, or which have been highlighted to us as helpful for parents to access in the one place.

 Children’s Disability Network Team (CDNT) policies and documents


Other documents

Service improvement plans

  • Action plan for disability services: This Action Plan for Disability Services 2024-2026 sets out a three-year programme focused on developing supports and services that are person-centred, give individuals choice and control, and support people with disabilities to live ordinary lives in ordinary places. The Action Plan is designed to provide additional funding for developments that will help build capacity within services.
  • Roadmap for Service Improvement (2023-2026): The Roadmap is a targeted service improvement programme to achieve a quality, accessible, equitable and timely service for all children with complex needs because of a disability. It contains a detailed plan of actions under the following headings: 1) Integrated Services between Disabilities, Primary Care, CAMHS and Tusla; 2) CDNT Service Access and Improvement including AON; 3) Workforce; 4) Communication and Engagement with Children and Families, and with Staff; and 5) Engagement with Education and Support for Special Schools.